Conant Library Book Swap!

Slowly but surely, books are becoming a thing of the past. Book lovers are a breed no longer seen. How sad that is! Reading is a wonderful thing. Did you know that at Conant Library, there are more than just academic books — tons of fiction reads await you! From movies to books on tape (Well…I guess they are on CD now), Conant Library has you covered. You can even get a book from a different library through the Nichols College inter-library program. If you have not yet taken advantage of the library, I wish you would!

Why should you engage in the art of reading novels? Here’s ten reasons why:

1. Reading for fun lowers stress.

2. You will automatically pick up new vocabulary words.

3. The level of creativity you possess will be boosted.

4. Writing skills will increase.

5. Both your analytical and critical thinking skills will be sharpened.

6. It is fun.

7. Reading gives you a new appreciation for life.

8. All the cool kids are doing it.

9. Pretty much everything in life is based on Shakespeare, or the Bible. Start reading and get in on the things referenced you never knew you were missing.

10. It makes you smarter.

Now that I have convinced you, head over to Conant Library on Wednesday March 26th and get a book. Conant will be holding a book swap all day, starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 11:30 p.m. Bring a book — any book — and swap it out for another. Don’t have a book? E-mail me. I have tons and would be more than happy to give you one.

Get reading!

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