Nichols Students Travel to New Orleans for Alternative Spring Break

Alternative Spring Break is an experience like no other. A group of students travel to New Orleans, Louisiana over spring break to help rebuild houses that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Selection is rigorous; students have to fill out an application and go through an interview to take part. Once they have been chosen, they can start all the fundraising activities.

The trip is funded by donations. Throughout the year, students get together and brainstorm ways to fundraise. This year the students held events such as a pasta dinner, where ticket sales went to their fund.

When the group gets to New Orleans, they work with Gulf Coast Volunteers for the Long Haul, Inc. and St. Bernard’s Project. The trip is full of opportunities for these Nichols students to learn about the different culture, themselves, and gain a new appreciation for community service and helping those in need.

A couple of my friends went on Alternative Spring Break this year. They talked very highly about the experience. I followed their entire trip by constantly looking at their Instagram and Snapchat accounts. Sean, my brother, went last year and he said it was hard work, but he enjoyed the trip. The part that was very hard to manage was waking up at 7 a.m. and not going to bed until at least midnight, sometimes 1 a.m. Sean said, “But once you realize the difference you are making in someone’s life, there is nothing to complain about.”  He also reflected on all of the friendships he made and still maintains from the trip. Another thing to look forward to is the food; everyone I talked to raved about how great it was. If you weren’t thinking about Alternative Spring Break before, you should really consider it for next year because I know I am!

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