Shoutout Aims to Stump Sophomore Slump


The second Sophomore Shoutout took place on Feb. 15 in the athletic center, and more than two hundred second-year students were joined by thirty alumni and school faculty. The goal of the evening event focused on exposing students to opportunities they could pursue in their junior and senior years, and to hear alumni experiences from during and after college.

Students were seated in a formal setting, with approximately six students per table, each with their own alumni. Throughout the evening, four rounds of alumni moved to the stage in the center of the tables to answer prompts and provide personal stories of hardships and successes.

In between the speakers, students would rotate to four other tables and have the opportunity to speak to the alumni at each table for ten minutes. The personal setting allowed for students to ask questions one-on-one without addressing their concerns in front of the crowd.

The alumni ranged from recent undergraduates to MBA graduates. Legacies Patrick Hoey `15 and Sean Hoey `16 attended to represent John Hancock and State Street, respectively. Also in attendance were alumni who had received both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Nichols – Nick DePasquale `14/`15, Stefany Mendez `13/`16, and Jennifer Zajac `08/`14.

Alumni selection was determined by a committee of Career and Professional Development staff and Mauri Pelto, who suggested and developed the event. Pelto, Nichols Vice President for Academic Affairs, envisioned an interactive event to push second-year students through the “sophomore slump”.

All students enrolled in Sophomore PDS (Professional Development Seminar) were required to attend, with the intent that all students would walk away feeling energized towards their long-term academic and career goals.

“The goal was to increase their confidence, and celebrate making it this far.” Pelto revealed. “This kind of event hits the spectrum of all majors, and puts them in the mindset of building their future careers.”

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