Slingshot Hip Hop

Slingshot Hip Hop is an award winning documentary featuring hip hop in Palestine as an effort to gather young people to work towards having peace between Israel and Palestine. The documentary is about the performers and how they discovered American hip hop and used it to create their own new versions to perform. The film follows several different artists but focuses on the group DAM. These artists are from different parts of Palestine and speak out about the issues of their country. The film is part of the Art With Impact program. This organizations mission is to “connect people to global issues through art and media and provide opportunities to share their voices in meaningful ways”. They hope to bridge the gap between the potential for change and opportunities to act.
This is a great way to learn about the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. The film explains the conflict but keeps it interesting with the focus on the hip hop movement in the area.
There will be a screening of the documentary followed by a Q&A with DAM and the director of the film, Jackie Reem Salloum along with some performance. This is a cultural event put on by the Fischer Institute on Sunday November 13th at 2:00pm in the Auditorium. This is worth 2 CULTURAL CREDITS!!
This is a trailer of the movie:

Slingshot Hip Hop Trailer from Art With Impact on Vimeo.

If you would like to learn more about Art With Impact visit
Also visit for links to artists involved in the film.

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